Why you should opt for Dermatologist ?

Visit your Dermatologist /Dermatosurgeon for best aesthetic results i.e. no or minimum scar, beautiful appearance after surgery.

Actually they are the ones who are taught the diagnosis of skin and hair diseases i.e. exact nature of skin lesions or hair loss.

Why Opt for Dermatologist or Dermatosurgeon:

1. Removal of mole without leaving scar

2. Removal of skin tags

3. Ear lobe repair with best aesthetic results

4. Surgical removal of Sebaceous cyst, acne cyst, lipoma, dermatofibroma etc. with best precision and minimum visible scar

5. Removal of common warts or planter warts with no / minimum chances of recurrence

6. Scar revision ( yes, you hear it right, they also do scar revision and later, can improve its texture by fractionated CO2 laser)

7. Vitiligo surgery- plain reason, is it vitiligo or not.

8. Birthmark removal- with laser or surgery

9. Hair transplant surgery – usually done for male pattern baldness, but what if you have other reasons of alopecia/hair loss like pseudopelade, lichen planopilaris, DLE, alopecia areata etc.

Only an expert Dermatologist can tell you the exact reason and best plan of treatment. otherwise you get hair transplant surgery done and later those new hair will fail to grow because of underlying undiagnosed hair disease.

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